Do you produce the best End-User Documentation?

Last updated by GregHarris over 3 years ago.See history

Developer Documentation

Developer documentation is stored close to the code. Examples are GitHub wiki and Azure DevOps wiki.

End-User Documentation

Option 1: Word document

Content - Easy to edit

Navigation - Has nice navigation on the left

Copying Code - No code elements for technical training

No Google Analytics

Not native to the web

Option 2: Plain HTML pages

You have complete control over how it looks

Can add Google Analytics

Content - Hard to edit using HTML

Navigation - Does not have any navigation

Copying Code - No code elements for technical training

Lacks basic features, like search

Option 3: (recommended)

Content - It's in Markdown

Navigation - Has nice navigation on the left

Copying Code - If you have code elements for technical training it allows easy copying and pasting Simple Branding options

$ - The base version is free for everyone else

$ - The full version is free for open-source communities.

It allows you to change the subdomain (only in full version)

It's in GitHub - allows people to give suggestions

Integrated search

Integrated with Google Analytics


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